Mento Labs GmbHCookie Policy
1. Description and scope of data processing

What is a cookie and how do we use cookies on our website?

A cookie is a low-memory text file that our website places on your computer or mobile device via the web browser. The cookie is either sent from the web server to the browser or generated by a script (such as JavaScript) on the website. This then creates the small text file placed on your end device. These cookies can be managed, e.g. deleted, in any browser, at any time.

Each browser can be set so that no cookies are stored. You can also set which website you allow to place cookies in your end device and which you do not (whitelist/blacklist). The purpose of a cookie is to recognize which visitor is requesting the website information, to make the request of information more efficient, as well as saving the visitor’s preferences, in case of later visits.

We also deploy cookies. Here we distinguish the cookies into our cookies and third-party cookies. You will recognise which cookies are third-party cookies from the “Provider” column in the tables that follow. Some cookies contain personal data, such as a pseudonymous identifier. The cookies which do not process personal data are marked in the tables below as “Anonymous Cookies”.

The storage of information and access to information is only possible with your consent unless the storage or access to the information is absolutely necessary (“Necessary Cookies”) so that we can provide you with the service or information you requested. The category of Necessary Cookies cannot be turned off. Insofar as a cookie contains personal data, your consent to the processing of personal data is also required.

Your cookie preference settings are themselves stored in a cookie; this enables us to not have to ask your consent every time you visit our website. If you have set in your generic cookie settings to not store any cookies in your browser, then it will not be possible for us to save your cookie settings, and thus you will be asked for your preferences each time you visit our website.

If cookies are generally disabled in your browser, then no cookie will be set. This means that if cookies are activated in your web browser, you can decide whether or not to set cookies for marketing and analysis purposes. The default setting is already set so that no cookies are set for marketing and analysis purposes ("privacy by default"), but only the Necessary Cookies.

2. Necessary Cookies

In accordance with Sec. 25 para. 2 no. 2 of the German Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG) we set the following Necessary Cookies without your consent. Insofar as personal data processing also takes place, the legal basis in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is listed individually in the table (Art. 13 (1) lit. c GDPR). If the legal basis is our legitimate interest (Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR), you can find more details about this in the detailed description in our privacy policy.

3. Cookies based on your consent

In accordance with Sec. 25 par. 1 TTDSG, we deploy “Analytics Cookies” from our website if you have consented on the basis of clear and comprehensive information. Analytics Cookies collect data about your use of our website. This data helps us to continuously improve the website. Analytics Cookies are stored only after you have given explicit consent.